Craft a Process and Outcome Evaluation

The purpose of a Process Evaluation is to measure your approach (outputs). The purpose of an Outcome Evaluation is to measure the changes you anticipate your program will have in the lives of those you serve (outcomes). It also establishes how you will measure those changes (indicators).

These sections may be a little confusing because of the differences in terminology used by grantmakers. You may see terms like “goals and objectives” or “outcomes and indicators.” Or funders may ask, “What are your results going to be?” or “How will you measure success?” or “What is your impact going to be?” Basically, all of these terms usually mean the same thing: What difference will you make in people’s lives?

Because these terms are used interchangeably, always read all of the application guidelines to see what terms the funder is using, and then plan accordingly. If you do not understand how the funder is using the terms, call the funder to discuss before you develop and submit your application.

Process Evaluation

Probably the easier of the two evaluations, a process evaluation measures the amount, duration, or quantity of services provided.

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