Online NEC TSC Training Course

 To understand how to prepare an NEC4 Term Service Contract – main and secondary options
selection, preparing Contract Data, preparing the Scope, defining the Affected Property,
considering pricing options for regular, call‐off and bespoke service elements
 To understand how to manage an NEC4 Term Service Contract, especially the key contract
processes for the Plan, early warnings, quality management, payment and change
management (compensation events and Tasks)

Session 1 0900‐1030 – NEC4 Term Service Contract – Core clauses and secondary options.

 NEC suite of contracts – overview of the various contracts, their ethos, layout and function
 The Term Service family contracts – Term Service, TS Short and TS Subcontract
 NEC terminology – including TSC Defined Terms
 Changes (pre‐contract) in NEC4 (June 2017) and why they were made
 Roles & Responsibilities
 Breakout room exercise – Responsibilities, communications and delegated powers
 Overview of NEC4 TSC core clauses
 Main and secondary option clauses
 Z clauses
 Individual exercise – Finding your way around the contract

1030‐1100 Break including a 15‐minute individual exercise

Session 2 1100‐1230 – NEC4 TSC Pre‐contract ‐ Understanding the contract documents.

 Writing the key Contract Data
 Breakout rooms exercise – preparing a summary of the key Contract Data
 Understanding the pricing principles for core and call‐off services and Task Orders
 Understanding Client & Contractor liabilities – and the insurance provision
 Preparing the Scope
 Breakout rooms exercise – making sure that the Scope is complete and precise
 Defining the Affected Property

Session 3 1315‐1445 NEC – Post‐contract ‐ Managing the Term Service Contract (1)

 Pre‐start checklist
 Breakout room exercise – Preparing a pre‐start action plan
 Managing Risk – Early warnings, EW meetings and the using EW Register effectively
 Managing Time ‐ Managing the Plan and (task order) programmes
 Managing Quality – Quality management system; tests and inspections; defects and defect
 Managing Payment

Session 4 1500‐1630 NEC – Post‐contract – Managing the Term Service Contract (2)

 Managing change – review of the different types of service/task in the contract, how they are
instructed and how they are paid for.
 Managing Change – types of compensation events in the TSC
 Managing Change – compensation event process ‐notification, quotation, assessment,
 Group exercise – compensation event scenario
 Changes (post‐contract) in NEC4 (June 2017) and why they were made
 Common problems with TS contracts – how to avoid them, if possible, and how to deal with
 Review/Summing Up

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £195 + Vat

Online NEC TSC Training Course

Virtual NEC TSC Training Course

NEC TSC Online Training Course

NEC TSC Virtual Training Course

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