Function Call vs. System Call

Function call and system call are two different mechanisms used in programming. A function call is a way to invoke a specific function within a program. It allows the program to execute a set of instructions and return a value if necessary. On the other hand, a system call is a request made by a program to the operating system for a specific service or resource. It enables the program to access functionalities provided by the operating system, such as file operations, network communication, or process management. While function calls are internal to the program, system calls involve interaction with the underlying operating system, making them more powerful but also potentially slower due to the overhead involved.


AttributeFunction CallSystem Call
DefinitionA function call is a mechanism for invoking a function or subroutine in a programming language.A system call is a request made by a program to the operating system kernel for performing privileged operations or accessing system resources.
InvocationFunction calls are made within a program by using the function name followed by parentheses containing the arguments (if any).System calls are made by using specific functions or instructions provided by the operating system, often through a system call interface.
ExecutionFunction calls are executed within the same user space as the calling program.System calls transition the execution from user space to kernel space, where the requested operation is performed.
PrivilegesFunction calls do not require special privileges and can be executed by any user.System calls require special privileges as they access system resources and perform privileged operations.
PerformanceFunction calls are generally faster as they do not involve the overhead of transitioning to kernel mode.System calls are slower due to the overhead of transitioning to kernel mode and back to user mode.
Examplesprintf(), scanf(), strlen()open(), read(), write()

Further Detail


In the world of computer programming, function calls and system calls are two fundamental concepts that play a crucial role in the execution of programs. While both involve invoking a specific piece of code, they serve different purposes and have distinct attributes. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of function calls and system calls, highlighting their similarities and differences.

Function Call

A function call is a mechanism used in programming languages to execute a specific block of code, known as a function or subroutine. It allows for code reusability and modularization, enabling developers to break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable units. When a function is called, the program transfers control to the function, executes the statements within it, and then returns control to the calling code.

One of the key attributes of function calls is the passing of arguments. Arguments are values or variables provided to the function, allowing it to perform operations or calculations based on the provided input. Functions can have zero or more arguments, and they can be of different types, such as integers, strings, or even other functions.

Another important aspect of function calls is the concept of return values. A return value is the result or output produced by a function after its execution. It allows functions to provide information or data back to the calling code, enabling further processing or decision-making based on the returned value.

Function calls are typically used within the same program or module, allowing for code organization and encapsulation. They are often used to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, improving code readability and maintainability. Additionally, function calls can be recursive, meaning a function can call itself, allowing for elegant solutions to problems that involve repetitive or iterative operations.

Overall, function calls are an essential part of programming languages, providing a way to structure code, promote reusability, and enable modularization.

System Call

While function calls are primarily used within a program, system calls are a mechanism for interacting with the operating system. A system call allows a program to request services or resources from the underlying operating system, such as file operations, network communication, process management, or hardware access.

System calls act as an interface between user-level applications and the kernel, which is the core component of an operating system. They provide a way for programs to access privileged operations or resources that are not directly accessible from user space.

Unlike function calls, system calls involve a context switch, where the program transitions from user mode to kernel mode. This transition is necessary to ensure the operating system can perform the requested operation securely and efficiently. The context switch incurs some overhead, making system calls generally slower than function calls.

System calls are typically invoked through dedicated functions or system call wrappers provided by the programming language or operating system. These wrappers abstract the low-level details of the system call interface, making it easier for developers to interact with the operating system.

System calls are crucial for performing a wide range of operations that require privileged access or interaction with external resources. They provide a standardized way for programs to interact with the underlying operating system, ensuring portability and compatibility across different platforms.


Now that we have explored the attributes of function calls and system calls individually, let's compare them to understand their similarities and differences.


Function calls are invoked directly within the program's code, typically by using the function name followed by parentheses. The program transfers control to the function, executes its statements, and then returns control to the calling code.

On the other hand, system calls are invoked through dedicated functions or system call wrappers provided by the programming language or operating system. These wrappers abstract the low-level details of the system call interface, making it easier for developers to interact with the operating system.

While both function calls and system calls involve invoking a specific piece of code, the way they are invoked differs based on their purpose and context.


Function calls are primarily used for code organization, reusability, and modularization within a program. They allow developers to break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable units, improving code readability and maintainability.

On the other hand, system calls are used to interact with the operating system and request services or resources that are not directly accessible from user space. They provide a way for programs to access privileged operations or resources, such as file operations, network communication, or hardware access.

While both function calls and system calls serve different purposes, they are both essential in the world of programming, enabling developers to build complex and powerful applications.

Arguments and Return Values

Function calls involve passing arguments to the function, allowing it to perform operations or calculations based on the provided input. Functions can have zero or more arguments, and they can be of different types.

Similarly, system calls can also involve passing arguments to the operating system, providing information or instructions related to the requested service or resource. However, the number and types of arguments for system calls are typically predefined and specific to each system call.

Regarding return values, functions can produce a result or output after their execution, which can be used by the calling code for further processing or decision-making. System calls can also return values, but they often provide the result or output through other means, such as modifying the value of a passed argument or returning an error code.

While both function calls and system calls involve passing arguments and can produce return values, the way they handle these aspects may differ based on their purpose and context.

Context Switch

Function calls do not involve a context switch since they are executed within the same program or module. The program transfers control to the function, executes its statements, and then returns control to the calling code.

On the other hand, system calls require a context switch, where the program transitions from user mode to kernel mode. This transition is necessary to ensure the operating system can perform the requested operation securely and efficiently.

The context switch incurs some overhead, making system calls generally slower than function calls. However, system calls are essential for accessing privileged operations or resources provided by the operating system.

Scope and Portability

Function calls are typically used within the same program or module, allowing for code organization and encapsulation. They are not directly visible or accessible from other programs or modules unless explicitly exposed.

On the other hand, system calls provide a standardized way for programs to interact with the underlying operating system. They are accessible from any program or module, ensuring portability and compatibility across different platforms.

While function calls are limited to the scope of the program or module, system calls have a broader scope and can be used by any program that needs to interact with the operating system.


Function calls and system calls are two fundamental concepts in computer programming, each serving a distinct purpose and having unique attributes. Function calls are used for code organization, reusability, and modularization within a program, while system calls are used to interact with the operating system and request services or resources.

Both function calls and system calls involve invoking a specific piece of code, passing arguments, and potentially returning values. However, the way they are invoked, their purpose, the presence of a context switch, and their scope differ based on their specific characteristics.

Understanding the attributes of function calls and system calls is crucial for developers, as it allows them to leverage these mechanisms effectively and build robust and efficient applications.

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